- Section Writer: Dr. Om J Lakhani
- Section Editor: Dr. Om J Lakhani
Q. What is the definition of a thyroid nodule?
- A thyroid nodule is a discrete lesion in the thyroid gland which is radiologically distinct from surrounding tissues
Q. Broadly, Thyroid nodules of which size are evaluated?
- All thyroid nodules>1 cm – evaluate
- Selected thyroid nodules <1 cm – evaluate
Q. Should family members of patients with thyroid cancer (non-medullary) be screened for thyroid nodules?
- No recommendation by ATA 2015
- 5-10% of cases of DTC are familial
- Ultrasound screening may lead to early diagnosis. However, is no evidence that it will improve morbidity or mortality
Q. Thyroid nodules are more common in men or women?
- More in women
Q. How common is malignancy in thyroid nodules?
- 5% of thyroid nodules are malignant
Q. How common are thyroid nodules in India?
- 9.6% by ultrasound
- 1.6% by palpation
Q. Prevalence of malignancy in thyroid nodule is higher in which group of patients?
- Children
- Men
- Age >60 years or <30 years
- History of head and neck irradiation
- Family history of thyroid cancer
Q. Multinodular goiters have a higher risk of thyroid malignancy, True or false?
- False
- They have a lower risk of thyroid malignancy
History and physical examination
Q. Are history and physical examination accurate for evaluation of thyroid nodule?
- No
- It carries low sensitivity and specificity for predicting malignancy in a thyroid nodule
Q. Which points in history suggest cancer in thyroid nodule?
- Rapid growth of the nodule
- History of head and neck irradiation in childhood
- History of total body irradiation for bone marrow transplant
- Family history of thyroid cancer- Cowden’s syndrome, MEN 2, FAP
Q. Which findings in physical examination give a possibility of thyroid cancer?
- Hard fixed mass on palpation
- Vocal chord paralysis
- Cervical lymphadenopathy
- Obstructive symptoms
Algorithm for evaluation of thyroid nodule
Q. Which have a higher risk of malignancy- Non-palpable nodule or palpable nodule?
- Both have an equal risk of malignancy
Q. Which is the most accurate way for assessment of thyroid nodule?
Q. Give the step-wise algorithm for evaluation of thyroid nodule?
Step 1
- Thyroid function test
- TSH- Normal / High → Go for Ultrasound
- TSH- low → thyroid scintigraphy
Step 2- TSH is normal or high or if you find a Cold nodule on scintigraphy- Use USG of thyroid for Risk categorization
- High risk of malignancy- More 70% risk
- Hypoechoic plus
- Microcalcification
- Incomplete halo
- Invading adjacent lymph node
- Extrathyroid extension
- Irregular margin
- Taller than wider
- Intermediate risk - 10-20% risk
- Hypoechoic with regular margin
- Low-risk risk 5-10%
- Hyperechoic with irregular margin
- isoechoic with a regular margin
- Partially cystic with an eccentric solid area
- Very low risk - <3%
- Spongiform
- Partially cystic with no suspicious features
- Likely Benign <1%
- Purely cystic
- High risk of malignancy- More 70% risk
Step 3a- FNAC Indications:
- High risk and intermediate-risk- Nodule >1 cm
- Low risk- >1.5 cm
- Very low risk - >2 cm
- Purely cystic- no need for FNAC
Step 3b - Follow-up
- If FNAC is not indicated- follow up with ultrasound
- High suspicion- repeat USG in 6-12 months
- Intermediate / low risk- rpt USG in 12- 24 months
- Very low suspicion >1 cm- repeat USG after 24 months
- Very low suspicion <1 cm – no need for repeat USG
Step 4- FNAC risk categorization- Bethesda method
- Non-diagnostic
- Benign
- FLUS- follicular lesions of unknown significance
- Follicular adenoma/carcinoma
- Suspicious of malignancy
- Confirmed malignancy
Step 5- Management based on Bethesda
- Bethesda 1- Non-diagnostic- Repeat FNAC
- If still, non-diagnostic consider lobectomy if high suspicious features present
- Else follow up
- Bethesda 2- Benign- Follow up with ultrasound
- High suspicion US pattern- repeat USG guide FNAC within 12 months
- Intermediate / low suspicion – repeat USG after 12-24 months. Repeat FNAC if :
- more 20% increase in size in 2 or more dimension
- more 50% increase in volume
- New suspicious features on ultrasound
- Very low suspicion on the US- no need to repeat FNAC – if required repeat after 24 months
- Two or more FNAC – suggestive of benign- no more follow up required
- Bethesda 3 and 4- FLUS/ AUS, Follicular adenoma
- Molecular marker
- Or Diagnostic lobectomy
- Bethesda 1- Non-diagnostic- Repeat FNAC
Bethesda 5 – Suspicious of malignancy
- Total thyroidectomy vs. diagnostic lobectomy vs. molecular marker
Bethesda 6- confirmed malignancy
- Thyroidectomy - Surgery
Q. What are the new ATA 2015 guidelines for follow-up of a lesion designated as benign on FNAC?
- High suspicion US pattern- repeat USG guide FNAC within 12 months
- Intermediate/low suspicion – repeat USG after 12-24 months. Repeat FNAC if :
- More 20% increase in size in 2 or more dimension
- More 50% increase in volume
- New suspicious features on ultrasound
- Very low suspicion on the US- no need to repeat FNAC – if required repeat after 24 months
- Two or more FNAC – suggestive of benign- no more follow up required
Q. What are ACUS and FLUS?
- ACUS- Atypical cells of undetermined significance
- FLUS- Follicular lesion of undetermined significance
Q. Where does molecular testing for thyroid nodule fall under the algorithm of a thyroid nodule?
- They are used in patients with ACUS or FLUS
Lab investigations
Q. Does the TSH level have any correlation with the risk of thyroid cancer?
- Higher the TSH – higher the risk of thyroid cancer
- “Serum TSH is an independent risk factor for predicting malignancy in a thyroid nodule. In a study of 1500 patients presenting to a thyroid practice, the prevalence of malignancy was 2.8, 3.7, 8.3, 12.3, and 29.7 percent for patients with serum TSH concentrations <0.4 mU/L, 0.4 to 0.9 mU/L, 1.0 to 1.7 mU/L, 1.8 to 5.5 mU/L, and >5.5 mU/L, respectively. Other studies had shown that when cancer was diagnosed, a higher TSH was associated with a more advanced stage of cancer.”
Q. What are the roles of thyroid scintigraphy in the evaluation of thyroid nodules?
- It is done in case of low TSH
- To select the thyroid nodule for FNAC in case of multinodular goiter- cold nodules being preferred
Q. What can be the difference between pertechnetate scan and iodine scan in thyroid nodules?
- Most thyroid nodules show congruence in pertechnetate and iodine scan
- However, 5% of malignant nodules appear hot in pertechnetate scan but cold in iodine scan
- Hence hot nodules in pertechnate must be confirmed by radioiodine scan
- These are called DISCORDANT NODULES
Q. Does an autonomous nodule (on radioiodine) require FNAC ?
- No
- They are rarely malignant
Q. What are warm nodules (indeterminate nodules)?
- Nodules that have uptake same as surrounding tissue- i.e., neither cold nor hot
- They must be distinguished from hot nodules by the T4 suppression test
Q. What is the T3/T4 suppression test?
- Perform the Radioactive iodine uptake test (RAIU)
- If Autonomous functioning – Hot nodule will remain hot- background uptake is suppressed
- If Warm nodule- reduced uptake in the nodule in repeat scan- this suggests warm nodule- Warm nodule may be malignant
Q. Should calcitonin be measured routinely in all patients with MTC?
- It is controversial
- Lots of false positive
- ATA is not for or against it
Q. What type of stimulation test can be performed to differentiate MTC from C cell hyperplasia inpatient with raised basal calcitonin?
- Pentgastrin stimulation test
- Some people even advise calcium stimulation test
- Must be done if basal calcitonin is >10 pg/ml
Q. What are the causes of false-positive raised calcitonin?
- Hypercalcemia
- Hypergastrinemia
- Neuroendocrine tumors
- Renal failure
- Goiter
- Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis
Q. Which drugs lead to false-positive calcitonin?
- Pantoprazole
- Glucocorticoids
- Beta-blockers
Q. What calcitonin level in adults is considered suspicious for MTC?
- basal calcitonin >20 pg/ml and pentgastrin >100 pg/ml is suspicious
- If pentagastrin is not available- basal >100 pg/ml – suspicious
Q. Define thyroid incidentaloma?
- They are non-palpable thyroid nodules incidentally detected in tests done for other reasons
Q. Is it true, most incidentalomas detected on PET scans are malignant?
- Yes
Q. Which cystic nodules are more likely to be malignant?
- Ideally, all cysts >2 cm – the fluid should be aspirated and sent for cytopathology. Cysts more likely to be malignant are
- Complex cyst
- Bloody aspirate
- Cyst accumulating after drainage
- Ideally, all cysts >2 cm – the fluid should be aspirated and sent for cytopathology. Cysts more likely to be malignant are
Q. What is done for an incidental lesion in the thyroid picked up by FDG PET?
- Focal uptake on FDG PET- increase risk of malignancy – if >1 cm – do FNAC
- Diffuse uptake- less risk of malignancy- no FNAC