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- Section Writer: Dr. Om J Lakhani
- Section Editor: Dr. Om J Lakhani
- Credits
Q. What is the definition of delayed puberty?
- Absent or incomplete development of secondary sexual characteristics by the age when 95% of children of the same sex and culture have initiated sexual maturation
Q. What is the definition of delayed puberty in boys?
- Testicular volume <4 ml in boys >14 years of age
Q. What is the definition of delayed puberty in girls?
- Absent breast bud by 13 years
- No menarche five years after the development of breast bud
- No menarche by 15 years of age
Q. Classify and enlist the causes of delayed puberty in boys?
Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
- Congenital
- Klinefelter's
- Gonadal dysgenesis
- Anorchia-
- Vanishing testis syndrome
- Acquired
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation
- Surgery
- Mumps orchitis
- Trauma to testis
- Congenital
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
- Isolated GnRH deficiency – IHH
- Without anosmia
- With anosmia- Kallman
- With obesity
- Lawrence Bidel Moon
- Prader Willi
- Part of MPHD (Multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies)
- Isolated GnRH deficiency – IHH
- Tumors
- Head trauma
- Pituitary apoplexy
- Infiltrative
- Hemochromatosis
- Tuberculosis
- Sarcoidosis
- Granulomatous disease
- Drugs – Marijuana
Q. What FSH value suggests hyper hypo vs. hypo hypo in boys?
- FSH < 2 – Hypo hypo
- FSH – 2-8 – intermediate
- FSH >8- Hyper hypo
Q. What is the most common cause of Hypo hypo in boys?
- CDGP is most common – in 60% of cases
- Functional hypo hypo- 20%
- Hypergonadotropic hypodonadism- 13%
- Idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism- 12 %
Q. What are pointers to Constitutional delay in growth and puberty (CDGP), and what are pointers to a pathological cause?
- Pointers to CDGP
- No pubic hair
- Delayed bone age
- Short stature
- Pointers to a pathological cause
- Presence of pubic hair
- Normal stature
- Normal bone age
- Pointers to CDGP
Q. What is the typical pubertal development in Klinefelter syndrome?
- They have stalled puberty (Arrested puberty)
- Pubertal development takes place generally at first
- They have pubic hair development
- At around testicular volume of 8-10 ml- the puberty does not progress further – testis are small and sotty
- They also start having gynecomastia
Q. CDGP is more in boys or girls?
- More in boys
Q. How will you differentiate Constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP) from Idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in boys?
- Step 1: History and Examination
- Points towards CDGP
- Family history of CDGP
- o Age of menarche of Mother- >15 years is delayed (After 10th grade)
- o Continued growth of father after completing school
- o Growth spurt after 11th grade in father
- o Started shaving after 11th grade
- Points towards IHH
- Anosmia
- Testicular volume 1-2 ml with a bone age of >12 years
- Micropenis at birth
- Cryptorchidism at birth
- Midline defect
- Cleft lip / cleft palate
- Points towards CDGP
- Step 2: Basic Investigations
- Tests to order
- Total Testosterone
- LH
- Bone age
- Tests to order
- Step 3- Advanced Tests and Stimulation tests
- Inhibin B
- GnRH Agonist testing
- Inhibin B
- • Value < 35 pg/ml- IHH for sure
- • 35-100 pg/ml- Either way-more in favor of CDGP
- • >100 pg/ml- CDGP for Sure
- Inhibin B
- LUPEROLIDE PROTOCOL (Lakhani protocol developed from Street et al.)
- Baseline LH
- Inj LUPRIDE 1 mg vial (0.5ml) in Insulin – 100 IU syringe order
- a. 0.25 ml (0.5 mg) – 25 units in Insulin syringe
- b. Inject Subcutaneously
- Repeat LH after 2 hr and 4 hr
- Interpretation
- Peak LH > 6.1 - Suggestive of CDGP
- Peak LH <2.8 IHH
- 2.8-6.1- either way – Favour CDGP
- Baseline LH
- Inj DECAPEPTYL (Triptorelin) 1 ml subcutaneous (100 ug)- 100 IU in insulin syringe
- Check LH and FSH after 2 hrs and 4 hrs
- If Peak LH >5 – suggestive of CDGP
- a. Dergos et al. say 14 IU/l is more discriminatory
- HCG stimulation test
- Baseline testosterone
- In HCG (FERTIGYN), 1500 IU IM on alternate days for 3 days
- Day 7 – Repeat testosterone
- a. >230 ng/dl – CDGP
- Baseline Testosterone
- Inj HCG (FERTIGYN) – 5000 IU im
- Repeat testosterone after 72 hrs
- a. Tetosterone >260 ng/dl- CDGP
- b. <86 ng/dl- IHH
- Step 4- Follow Up
- Inj TESTOVIRON 50 mg monthly for 3 months
- Recheck Testosterone 1 month after the last injection
- a. Testosterone > 300 ng/ml- Suggestive of CDGP
- b. <300 ng/ml- IHH
- LUPEROLIDE PROTOCOL (Lakhani protocol developed from Street et al.)
- Step 1: History and Examination
#Clinicalpearl Gold standard is GnRH stimulation test
Q. Which is more important for assessment in a child with delayed puberty- FSH or LH?
- FSH- more important for a child with delayed puberty
- LH-more important for a child with precocious puberty
Q. Give an outline for Constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP) management?
- inj Testosterone (Testoviron)- 100 mg – monthly injection – 3 times
- After the third injection- they generally have a push of puberty
- If no push- then wait for a few months and give a second course
Q. What is the importance of bilateral inguinal hernia in boys with delayed puberty?
- It could be testis which is inguinal. Suggests Undescended testis.
Q. What is cryptorchidism ?
- It is testis that is not present in the scrotum by 4 months of age. It could be either absent testis or undescended testis.
Q. What is anorchia ?
- 46 XY DSD with both testis absent at birth
Q. How will you interpret the past history of undescended testis in a child presenting with delayed puberty at 15 years? What are the clinical conditions associated with bilateral cryptorchidism?
Genetic disorders are more common in children with bilateral cryptorchidism than those without it
- Hypogonadism and Cryptorchidism
- 46 XY DSD- Ovotesticular syndrome, mixed gonadal dysgenesis – esp if associated with hypospadias
- Defects in testosterone secretion- Kallman, Klinefelter syndrome
- Defects in testosterone action- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Bilateral cryptorchidism is more associated with other conditions than unilateral
Q. What is the most common location for undescended testis?
- Just outside the external ring
Q. By what age do undescended testis generally descend?
- Generally, by 6 months of age
- If they don’t descend by that time- unlikely to descend further
Q. What pubertal development sign in boys is considered equivalent to menarche?
- Presence of nocturnal sperm emissions or sperm in urine
Q. What time before the development of pubic hair does testis tend to develop?
- About 6 months
- Testis development starts about 6 months before pubic hair development
Q. How will you ask for a history of Delayed puberty in parents?
- Mother- the onset of menses after 15 years of age
- Father
- Growth spurt after 16 years of age
- Continued to grow in height after graduating from school
- When did they start to shave
Q. What age do facial hair develop in children?
- About 2.5 years after growth of testis or about 2 years after growth of pubic hair
- Generally, boys develop facial hair at about 15 years of age
- However, facial hair is not a reliable sign because it depends on ethnicity
Q. Should DSD be considered in a case of bilateral cryptorchidism?
- Yes
Q. What will you suspect if the patient has tall stature and Hypogonadism?
Q. What about obesity and hypogonadism?
- Prader Willi syndrome
- Leptin deficiency
Q. What other physical examination findings would you look for?
- Upper segment: Lower segment ratio – would suggest eunuchoid proportion going in favor of Kleinfelter’s
- Whether testis appears atrophic or not
Q. What is Tanner Stage 3 pubic hair?
- Hair is dark, coarse, and curly
- Extends to the mid pubis
Q. What is DD of Clinodactyly with Hypogonadism?
- Klinefelter syndrome
- 46 XXYY
Q. What happens to bone age in Kleinfelter’s?
- Mild delay
Q. What are the facial dysmorphisms in 48, XXYY ?
- Asymmetry
- Upslating palpebrel fissures
- Hypertelorism