- Section Writer: Dr. Om J Lakhani
- Section Editor: Dr. Om J Lakhani -
Q. What are the points in Menstrual history?
- Age of menarche
- Last menstrual period (LMP)
- Cycle length
- Cycle regularity
- Duration of blood flow
- Amount of blood flow
- Associated pain
- Moliminal symptoms
- Intermenstrual bleeding
Q. What is the last menstrual period- LMP?
- First day of the last menstrual cycle
Q. What is the definition of 1 cycle length?
- First day of one menstrual period to 1st day of the next menstrual period
Q. What are Molimina symptoms?
- They are symptoms that occur during the premenstrual period. Symptoms include
- Irritation
- Breast tenderness
- Increase food craving
- Abdominal distention
- Labile mood
- Weight gain
Q. What is the significance of the history of molimina symptoms?
- Presence of moliminal symptoms suggest that you are dealing with an ovulatory cycle.
- However it's accuracy in predicting ovulation is limited. [1]
Q. What is Mittelschmerz ?
- It is a midcycle pain, spotting, and/or clear vaginal discharge
- It is associated with ovulation
Q. What is abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)?
- Bleeding of abnormal:
- Quantity
- Duration
- Or schedule
Q. Name some important causes of AUB in non-pregnant women?
- it is given by acronym- PALM- COEIN
- Polyp
- Adenomyosis
- Leiomyoma (fibroid)
- Malignancy
- Coagulation disorder
- Ovulatory dysfunction
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Iatrogenic
- Not yet classified
- it is given by acronym- PALM- COEIN
Q. What are the characteristics of a normal menstrual bleed?
- Occurs every 21-35 days
- Amount is <80 ml
- Duration is 5 days
- Occurs at fairly regular interval
Q. Why 80 ml ?
- Because blood loss >80 ml regularly during the menstrual cycles makes you anemic
Q. How is heavy menses judged clinically?
- Soaking of a tampoon every 2 hours
- Interfering with daily activities
Q. What are the characteristics of normal menstrual bleed quantity?
- Changes pads >/= every 3 hours
- No need to change pads at night
- Clots <1 inch in size
- <21 pads in cycle
- Not anemic
Q. Which terminologies are discarded according to FIGO?
- Menorrhagia (all usages, including "essential menorrhagia)
- "idiopathic menorrhagia,' 'primary menorrhagia,"
- "functional menorrhagia," "ovulatory or anovulatory menorrhagia"')
- Metrorrhagia
- Hypermenorhea
- Hypomenorrhea
- Menometrorrhagia
- Polymenorrhea
- Polymenorrhagia
- Epimenorrhea
- Epimenorrhagia
- Metropathica hernorrhagica
- Uterine hemorrhage
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
- Functional uterine bleeding
- Menorrhagia (all usages, including "essential menorrhagia)
Q. What are terminologies to be used now?
- Disturbances in regularity
- Irregular menstrual bleed
- Absent menstrual bleed- amenorrhea word is retained
- Disturbances in frequency
- Infrequent menstrual bleed- <2 cycles in 90 days (previously called oligomenorrhea)
- Frequent menstrual bleed- > 4 cycles in 90 days
- Disturbances in quantity
- Heavy menstrual bleed - >80 ml
- Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleed
- Light menstrual bleed - <5 ml
- Disturbances in duration
- Prolonged menstrual bleed- > 8 days
- Shortened menstrual bleed - <2 days
- Other terms
- Intermenstrual bleeding
- Postmenopausal bleeding
- Disturbances in regularity
Q. What is bleeding, and what is spotting?
- Bleeding – requiring a tampoon for protections
- Spotting – bleed small enough and not requiring a tampoon
Q. Amongst the older terms, what do oligomenorrhea and polymenorrhea mean?
- Oligomenorrhea is defined as intervals between episodes of uterine bleeding longer than 35 days
- Polymenorrhea is used to describe intervals shorter than 24 days.
Q. What do hypomenorrhea and hypermenorrhea mean?
- Hypermenorrhea refers to regular intervals (24 to 35 days) but excessive flow or duration of bleeding, or both.
- Hypomenorrhea refers to the diminution of the flow or shortening of the duration of regular menses or both
Q. What is metrorraghia ?
- Intermenstrual bleeding, previously known as metrorrhagia, is uterine bleeding at irregular intervals, particularly between the expected periods
Q. What is Menometrorrhagia?
- Menometrorrhagia is a condition marked by abnormally heavy, prolonged, and irregular uterine bleeding. It is characterized by more than 80 ml during a menstrual cycle. The bleeding is also unexpected and frequent.
Prior JC, Konishi C, Hitchcock CL, Kingwell E, Janssen P, Cheung AP, Fairbrother N, Goshtasebi A. Does Molimina Indicate Ovulation? Prospective Data in a Hormonally Documented Single-Cycle in Spontaneously Menstruating Women. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 May 18;15(5):1016. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15051016. PMID: 29783630; PMCID: PMC5982055. ↩︎