- Credits
- Section Writer: Dr. Om J Lakhani
- Section Editor: Dr. Om J Lakhani
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Q. How common are fibroids in women?
- Fibroids are present in 35-77% of reproductive age women, rising to 70-80% at menopause, depending on ethnicity, and are present in 5-10% of infertile patients
Q. What are the clinical features of fibroids?
- Dysfunction uterine bleeding
- Pelvic pain
- Poor implantation of the embryo
- recurrent first-trimester abortion
- Preterm labor
- Obstruction of labor
Q. How do fibroids impact fertility?
- Distortion of the uterine cavity
- Reduce endometrial receptivity
- They can block fallopian tubules
Q. What is the role of hormones in the growth of fibroids?
- Estrogen aids in the growth of fibroid via ER-alpha receptor
- It has a permissive role to induce progesterone receptor, and it is progesterone that causes the actual growth
Q. How are they diagnosed?
- TAS or TVS
- TVS- preferred
Q. What are the surgical options for treatment?
- Hysteroscopic or laparoscopic myomectomy
Q. What is the role of hormonal therapy in fibroids?
- GnRH agonist- short term use reduces vascularity of fibroid and anemia → aids resection
- They shrink fibroids by 35-65% over three months
- Antiprogesterone- Ulipristal acetate and Mifepristone are useful in the management of fibroid –underscore the role of Progesterone in fibroid
- GnRH agonist- short term use reduces vascularity of fibroid and anemia → aids resection
- Progesterone is the main culprit in fibroid, and hence anti-progesterone agents are beneficial in this condition
Q. What is the role of Uterine artery embolization?
- It is a helpful treatment for fibroids, however, they can lead to tissue necrosis
- Hence it is not recommended for women wishing to get pregnant
- The recurrence rate is also high (33%)
Q. From a fertility perspective, what size of fibroids require myomectomy?
- Myomectomy for Intramural fibroids >5 cm has benefits in terms of both natural as well as IVF conception
Q. What types of fibroids are removed hysteroscopically?
- Submucosal fibroids can be removed hysteroscopically
Q. Does myomectomy improve fertility outcomes?
- Yes
- Myomectomy almost doubles the chances of a clinical pregnancy