Female Infertility Evaluation
Author: Dr. Om J Lakhani
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Assessment of ovulatory function
Q. What point in history generally rules out ovulatory dysfunction?
- Most likely to be ovulatory:
- Regular menses every 28 days
- with molimina symptoms before menses
- Most likely to be ovulatory:
Q. If the woman does not give the above history of normal ovulatory cycles, then what is done?
- Do a mid-lueteal phase progesterone
- It is done seven days before the expected date of menses (21st day of cycle)
- If the level is >3 pg/ml- it suggests that ovulation has occurred
Q. What are other tests for detection of ovulation?
- Use of Home LH detection kit
- Ultrasound assessment for ovulation
- Endometrial biopsy
Q. What is done if mid-lueteal progesterone is <3 pg/ml?
- Assessment of ovulatory dysfunction is done
- Baseline tests include PCOS work up – Ultrasound, testosterone, thyroid function, prolactin, 17 OHP
Assessment of ovarian reserve
Q. Which patients should undergo ovarian reserve testing?
- Age >35 years and not conceived for six months
- Women with risk for POI- radiation exposure, chemotherapy, genetic abnormalities, autoimmune disease, etc
Q. What is the difference between older women vs. younger women with poor ovarian reserve?
- Younger women with poor ovarian reserve- have less quantity of ovaries but good quality
- Older women- vice versa
Q. What are tests done for assessment of ovarian reserve?
- Day 3 FSH and estradiol
- Antral follicular count on TVS
- Clomiphene challenge test
- AMH levels
FSH, estradiol, and clomiphene challenge
Q. When we say day 3, what is day 1?
- Day 1 is the first day of menstrual flow
Q. What value of Day 3 FSH suggests normal ovarian reserve, and what suggests abnormal?
- FSH <10 mIU/ml- normal
- 10-20- borderline
- more than 20 mIU/ml- poor ovarian reserve
Q. What is the fundamental of day 3 FSH?
- With good ovarian reserve, good amount of hormone production from small antral follicles → suppresses FSH
Q. What does day three estradiol level suggest ovarian reserve?
- Day 3 estradiol <80 pg/ml- good ovarian reserve
- More than 80 pg/ml- poor reserve
- Very important
- ASRM says that estradiol interpretation is important mainly in women with normal FSH yet risk of poor ovarian reserve
- When used alone, it is not very useful
Q. What is the fundamental measurement of estradiol?
- High estradiol means premature recruitment of ovarian follicle which occurs in women with poor ovarian reserve
- Interestingly, this would suppress the FSH, and hence both FSH and estradiol measurements are required
Q. Describe the clomiphene challenge test?
- FSH and estradiol are measured on day 3 of the cycle
- Clomiphene given for days 5 to 9 in a dose of 100 mg
- FSH again measured on day 10
Q. What is the interpretation of the clomiphene challenge test?
- Again, day three and day 10 FSH <10 – normal
- 10- 20 (some use 15) – inadequate
- More than 20- poor
- Estradiol – similar interpretation as earlier
Q. What is the prognosis of women with poor ovarian reserve?
- Generally poor prognosis
- They can rarely conceive without the use of donor oocytes
Antral follicle count
Q. What is the definition of antral follicles?
- Measuring 2-10 mm in diameter
Q. When is a measurement of antral follicle count done?
- Generally, on days 2-4
- However, studies have shown that it can be done at any phase of the cycle
Q. How is AFC count done?
- It is done by TVS
- Ovary is assessed in both transverse and longitudinal planes
- Diameter measured in 2 perpendicular planes and larger of the two dimensions is used for assessment
Q. What AFC values suggest poor ovarian reserve?
- Value <4-10 antral follicles on days 2-4 suggest poor ovarian reserve
Q. Which follicles secrete AMH?
- Preanteral follicle- <8 mm
- Early antral follicles
Q. What does AMH tell us?
- AMH tells us the size of the primordial follicular pool
- Hence it is a good biochemical marker of ovarian reserve
AMH cutoffs vary according to labs; hence difficult to generalize
Q. What is the interpretation of AMH?
- <0.5 ng/ml- very poor ovarian reserve
- <1 ng/ml - poor
- 1.0 – 3.5 ng/ml – good ovarian reserve
- More than 3.5 ng/ml- chance of ovarian hyperstimulation on ovulation induction
- Newer assay uses cut point of 0.2-0.7 ng/ml
Q. Does AMH need to be measured in the follicular phase?
- No
- It can be measured in any phase of the cycle since the growth of preantral follicles is continuous and not dependent on the phase of the cycle
Q. Apart from AMH, which other similar test is used to judge ovarian reserve?
- Inhibin B
- Cutoff value is 40-45 pg/ml
- However, it has poor sensitivity and specificity and is hence not used routinely
- The cut points of AMH depends on the assay used
- There is an older assay for AMH and a newer assay that have different cut points
- So, it is important to known which assay is used and what is its cut point for interpretation
Assessment of fallopian tube patency and uterine anatomy
Q. Which is the first-line assessment of tubal patency?
- HSG- hysterosalpingography
Q. What is HyCoSy?
- Hysteria-salphingo contrast sonography
Q. What does HSG not tell you?
- Does not tell you about adhesions and endometriosis
- It also tells you more about distal tubal blocks – but does not tell you much about the proximal tubal blocks
Q. What is the gold standard for tubal patency?
- Laparoscopy with chromotubation
Q. Which is another suitable non-invasive method for the tubal assessment?
- Chlamydia trachomatis IgG antibody testing
Q. What can be a cost-effective approach for tubal disorder?
- First do chlamydia trachomatis IgG antibody
- If negative- less likelihood of tubal disease
- If positive- it can be falsely positive due to cross-reaction with C. pneumonia - hence to HSG
- If the high risk of tubal disease- do HSG directly
Q. Which is the test of choice for uterine cavity assessment?
- Saline infusion sonohysterography
- It is a special sonography
- HSG can also assess the uterine abnormality
- It is confirmed with further imaging like MRI or hysteroscopy
Q. What is the role of hysteroscopy?
- It is helpful for diagnosis and treatment of uterine abnormalities
Q. What can hysteroscopy not tell you?
- Status of the myometrium
- Fallopian tube
- Adnexal structures
Fallopian and uterine assessment - HSG is a good test
Uterine assessment alone (patient undergoing IVF)- saline infusion sonohysterography or Hysteroscopy
Q. What is the role of laparoscopy?
- It is done for the treatment of endometriosis and fallopian tube blocks
- If it is done for any other reason- it must be combined with chromotubation to look for tubal patency
Tests with limited clinical utility
Q. What is the role of endometrial biopsy?
- To document secretory endometrium- which is a marker of ovulation has occurred
- To correlate the endometrial timing with that of the IVF date – to assess Luteal phase defect
- However, this test is rarely done for either indication these days
Q. What is the fundamental of basal body temperature measurement?
- Progesterone in the luteal phase affects the hypothalamus and increases basal body temperature
Q. Describe the process of basal body temperature measurement?
- Women measures the temperature by keeping the thermometer beneath the tongue every day before getting out of the bed
- During the luteal phase, the temperature increase by 0.5 F compared to the follicular phase
- It begins to rise 1-2 days after LH surge and remains high for ten days