- Section Writer: Dr. Om J Lakhani
- Section Editor: Dr. Om J Lakhani
Linked notes
Q. What is acanthosis nigricans ?
- It is a common skin change that occurs as a consequence of insulin resistance
- it is dark, velvety, hyperpigmented plaques on the skin found at intertriginous sites, such as the neck and axillae.
- #Real-life-cases- An adolescent with acanthosis nigricans in the back of the neck
Q. Can acanthosis occur in infants also?
- Yes
Q. Enlist the conditions associated with acanthosis?
- Insulin resistance
- Obesity
- Familial acanthosis nigricans
- Malignancy
- Genetic syndrome
- Medications
Q. How common is type 2 diabetes in patients with acanthosis nigricans?
- Type 2 Diabetes is twice as common in patients with acanthosis compared to those without it
Q. Is the serum insulin higher in patients with acanthosis?
- Yes
Q. How common is acanthosis in patients with PCOS?
- 30% have it
- It is associated even with normal BMI
Q. Which are the other endocrine conditions associated with acanthosis?
- Acromegaly
- Cushing syndrome
Q. Which are the genetic conditions associated with acanthosis nigricans and insulin resistance?
- Congenital generalized lipodystrophy- Bernerdinelli Seip syndrome
- Familial partial lipodystrophy- Koberling- Dunninghan syndrome
- Alstrom syndrome
- Robertson – Mendenhall syndrome
- Leprechaunism
- Down’s syndrome
Q. Which are the genetic conditions associated with acanthosis without insulin resistance?
- Curzon syndrome
- Cutis gyrata
- SADDAN- Severe achondroplasia, developmental delay, and acanthosis nigricans
- Costello syndrome
- Thantophoric dysplasia
Q. What is the inheritance and mutation involved in familial acanthosis nigricans?
- Mutation in FGFR3
- It has autosomal dominant inheritance
Q. Which malignancy is associated with Acanthosis nigricans?
- Abdominal adenocarcinomas especially gastric adenocarcinoma are associated with acanthosis nigricans
Q. What is the additional cutaneous marker associated with this malignancy?
- Leser Trelat sign or multiple seborrheic keratosis
- Tripe palms
Q. Which drugs are associated with acanthosis nigricans?
- Glucocorticoids
- Testosterone
- Aripiprazole
- Protease inhibitors
Q. Which 3 receptors have been proposed in the etiology of acanthosis nigricans?
- FGFR receptor
- EGFR receptor
- IGFR-1 receptor
Q. Which protein is involved in malignancy-associated acanthosis nigricans ?
- TGF alpha which acts via EGFR
Q. What is the clinical description of acanthosis nigricans?
- Thickened
- Velvety
- Hyperpigmented
- Verrucous
- Grey-black
- Plaques of skin
Q. Which are the common sites?
- Back of neck
- #Real-life-cases- Acanthosis nigricans on the back of the neck
- Side of neck
- #Real-life-cases - Acanthosis nigricans on front and side of the neck. We can also see that this patient has hirsutism
- Axilla
- #Real-life-cases - Acanthosis nigricans in the axilla
- Back of neck
Q. Which are the other sites?
- Anogenital region
- Inguinal skin folds
- Inframammary
- Abdominal
- Umbilicus
- Antecubital fosssa
Q. What are acrochordons ?
- Skin tags
Q. Are acanthosis symmetrical?
- Yes
Q. What is Acral acanthosis nigricans?
- They Hyperpigmented thin plaques are present on the dorsal hand. The lesions are primarily located over the joints.
Q. Are acanthosis symptomatic?
- No
Q. When will you suspect malignancy-associated acanthosis?
- Older patients
- Thin patients
- Rapidly developing acanthosis
- With Leser Terlet sign or Tripe palms
- Unexplained weight loss
- Extensive involvement
- Associated with pruritis
Q. What are the typical pathological features of Acanthosis?
- Hyperkeratosis and Epidermal papillomatosis
Q. Can histopathology differentiate malignancy-associated acanthosis from other causes?
- No
Q. Which other endocrine conditions leads to dark skin pigmentation ?
- Addison’s disease
- Pellagra
**Treatment **
Q. Does the acanthosis reverse after treatment of the underlying disorder?
- It is uncertain
Q. What is a cosmetic treatment for acanthosis?
- Topic retinoids (tretinoin) or topical vitamin D analogs (Calcipotriene) may be used
Q. What is IRORAN ?
- Insulin resistance obesity-related associated acanthosis nigricans
Q. Does metformin reduce acanthosis?
- Studies show mixed results
- However generally it does not reverse
Q. Many patients excessively scrub the acanthosis, should this be encouraged?
- No
- This should be discouraged as it can lead to lichenification which can worsen the hyperpigmentation
Q. Can laser therapy help?
- Yes
- Long pulsed alexandrite laser can help
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