- Section Writer: Dr. Om J Lakhani
- Section Editor: Dr. Om J Lakhani
Q. What is C-peptide ?
- The pancreatic proinsulin is broken down into insulin and C-peptide
- The C-peptide is released in equimolar concentration as insulin
Q. What are the various ways in which C-peptide is measured ?
- C peptide measurement in blood
- Fasting
- Stimulated
- Random C peptide
- Urine C peptide can also be measured – requires 24 hr collection
- C peptide measurement in blood
Q. Of the above, which is a good marker of Beta-cell reserve ?
- Stimulated C peptide is a marker of Beta cell reserve
Q. What are the methods for "stimulation" in C-peptide ?
- Glucose load
- Mixed meal
- Glucagon
Q. Broadly, what is the difference between C-peptide in type 1 and type 2 diabetes in terms of stimulation test ?
- Type 1 there is little or no increase in C peptide over baseline
- Type 2 there is some increase in C peptide over baseline
Q. What basal c-peptide value helps discriminate type 1 from type 2 diabetes ?
- About 80% of Basal C-peptide levels below a cutoff of 0.6 ng/ml (0.2 nmol/l) have type 1 diabetes
- Similarly 80% of patients with stimulated C-peptide <1 nmol/l have type 1 diabetes
Q. Is Random C-peptide useful ?
- One study showed that random C peptide was better than fasting and stimulated C peptide for classification of diabetes mellitus
Q. What is the interpretation of non-fasting Random c-peptide value ?
<0.6 ng/ml - Strongly suggestive of absolute insulin deficiency and type 1 diabetes
<1.8 ng/ml- Unlikely to achieve glycemic control without the use of Multiple insulin doses
More than 3 ng/ml- Unlikely to be type 1 diabetes- more likely to be Type 2 or MODY
Q. Describe the protocol for Glucagon stimulated C-peptide
- Draw baseline fasting specimen. (12 hour of overnight fast)
- Administer 1 mg Glucagon I.V.
- Draw additional specimens at 6 and 10 minutes post-glucagon
Q. What is the protocol for mixed-meal stimulation test ?
- Fasting - Measure FBS and C-peptide
- Give liquid mixed meal - Sustacal or Ensure Plus powder - 6 scoops in 200 ml water
- Measure RBS and C-peptide 90 min after liquid meals
Q. What is Sustacal ?
- It is basically a protein supplement from Nestle
- ENSURE PLUS powder can be used as a substitute which has similar composition
Q. In terms of percentage what is the percentage of C-peptide elevation post-baseline
- Normal stimulation of c-peptide is a 150-300% elevation over basal levels.
Q. Give the scoring of C-peptide post mixed meal stimulation used by Department of Endocrinology at Zydus hospital ? (Unpublished)
Total score
- ≥5 - stongly suggestive of Type 1 diabetes
- 3-5- Suggestive of type 1
- 0-3- Unlikely to be type 1 but close follow-up is required
- 0 - not type 1
Q. In a patient with type 2 diabetes, what value of C-peptide suggest the need for basal-bolus insulin (Multiple dose insulin) for diabetes management as compared to basal insulin with OAD ?
- Post-stimulation C-peptide <3.1 ng/ml - suggestive of need for MDI therapy instead of basal only
Q. What cut-off is suggestive of Insulin mediated hypoglycemia in patients undergoing 72 hour fast test for hypoglycemia evaluation ?
- When glucose value is <55 mg/dl- C-peptide value of >0.6 ng/ml is strongly suggestive insulin mediated hypoglycemia
- Source: Talk on "Practical use of C-peptide in clinical practice"
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