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- Section Writer: Dr. Om J Lakhani
- Section Editor: Dr. Om J Lakhani
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Q. Which Glucocorticoids side effects are irreversible?
- Atherosclerotic risk
- Bone loss
- Cataract
Q. What are skin changes due to glucocorticoids?
- Strain
- Purpura
- Acne
- Hirsutism
- Hypertrichosis
- Alopecia
- Non-melanotic skin cancers
Q. What is the relation between Glucocorticoids use and skin cancer?
- Increased risk of non-melanotic skin cancers like Squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma has been reported with prolonged glucocorticoid use
Q. is the weight gain and Cushingoid effect dependent on the dose of glucocorticoids?
- Yes
- Weight gain and Cushingoid effect is generally seen with doses >7.5 mg and less common in doses <5 mg
Q. How soon after starting treatment does the Cushingoid appearance start?
- 2 months after starting treatment
Q. Do patients with Glucocorticoids have increased appetite?
- Yes
- This is a common side effect
**Eye involvement **
Q. What are the features of cataracts seen with Glucocorticoids?
- Posterior subcapsular in location
- More in children than adults
- Slowly developing
- Bilateral
Q. What does produces a cataract?
- Any dose can produce
- However, in general, prednisolone >10 mg for >1 year - they have more risk
Q. What are the clinical features of these cataracts?
- Glare
- Difficulty in seeing in bright light
- Diminution of vision
Q. How is the diagnosis of the Posterior subcapsular cataract made?
- By examination and looking for red reflex
- Visual acuity testing
- In some cases, ocular ultrasound look at the posterior segment of the eye
Q. Do all Glucocorticoid patients develop glaucoma?
- No
- There is increase Intraocular pressure but no all develop glaucoma
- Those who are predisposed are more likely to develop glaucoma
- Steroid eye drops also increase the risk of glaucoma
Q. Which is the other common ophthalmic complication pertaining to appearance?
- Exophthalmos
Q. Name another serious ophthalmic complication of iatrogenic Cushing’s?
- Central serous chorioretinopathy
Q. Are Glucocorticoids associated with increased risk of Coronary artrey disease?
- Yes
Q. Is this dose-dependent?
- Yes
- Dose of prednisolone >7.5 mg /day – more risk
Q. What about heart failure?
- Risk of heart failure also increased
Q. What type of arrhythmia risk is increased with glucocorticoid use?
- Increased risk of Atrial fibrillation and flutter
**Gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) **
Q. Enlist the effects of Glucocorticoids on the GI tract?
- Increased risk of
- Gastritis
- Peptic ulcer
- GI bleeding
- Pancreatitis
- Steatohepatitis
- Visceral perforation
- Increased risk of
Q. Should prophylaxis for GI bleeding be prescribed to the patient on Glucocorticoids?
- Glucocorticoids alone – not required
- Glucocorticoids + NSAID- advised
Q. Do Glucocorticoids cause pancreatitis?
- It is uncertain
- It is believed that Glucocorticoids may not be the cause, and the underlying disease may be the cause
Q. When does pancreatitis develop after starting Glucocorticoids?
- Mainly after 4-14 days of starting Glucocorticoids
- Risk reduces after 2 weeks
Q. Do Glucocorticoids cause fluid retention?
- Yes
- But it is a problem only in patients with renal or CV disease
- This is because normal patients have an aldosterone escape mechanism that prevents fluid retention
Q. Does it produce hypokalemia ?
- Yes, often acutely
- But significant chronic hypokalemia is generally not seen
**Musculoskeletal **
Q. Does it affect stature in children?
- Yes
- Even inhaled steroids affect stature
Q. What are the lowest doses of glucocorticoids that can affect linear growth in children?
- Doses as low as
- 0.075 mg/kg of prednisolone
- 0.3 mg/kg of hydrocortisone
- Doses as low as
Q. What is the role of Glucocorticoids in causing Critical illness-associated myopathy?
- It increases the risk of critical illness myopathy in critically ill patient, especially when used with neuromuscular blocking agents
Q. What is Akathisia?
- Motor restlessness
- This is common in Glucocorticoids patients
Q. What is the effect of Glucocorticoids on Mood?
- It is biphasic
- Initially, there is euphoria and even mania
- Chronic use produces depression
Q. Does it produce psychosis?
- Yes
- Especially with prednisolone dose >20 mg or more
- More in patients with low albumin
- Problem in Lupus because CNS lupus also produces similar psychosis
Q. Does it affect memory?
- Yes
- Especially in older people
- Some develop steroid-induced dementia
Q. What about suicide?
- There is increased suicidal tendencies for patients on Glucocorticoids
Q. Can it produced raised ICT?
- Yes
- Often self-limiting
**Glucose metabolism **
Separate notes on the topic - COMING SOON
Q. What is the relative risk of developing new-onset diabetes after Glucocorticoid use?
- It is dose-dependent
- Relative risk of 1.8 with 10mg dose increasing to 10.8 with 30 mg dose
Q. What is the effect of Glucocorticoids on WBC count?
- It increases the WBC count
- Mainly by it increasing the neutrophils
- There is a shift of neutrophils from endothelium to the circulation
Q. Which patients on Glucocorticoids can take live vaccines?
- The following group can take live vaccines
- Glucocorticoids dose <20 mg for <2 weeks
- On physiological Glucocorticoids replacement
- Nonsystemic administration of Glucocorticoids
- The following group can take live vaccines
Q. What are the effects of Glucocorticoids on the Reproductive tract?
- Menstrual irregularity
- Reduced libido
- Reduced fertility
Q. Does the use of Glucocorticoids produce fetal adrenal insufficiency?
- No
Q. Does it increase the risk of teratogenicity?
- Some suggest there is an increased risk of cleft palate
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